Getting The Right Paving Colours.
Is what you see what you get?
You see it on your screen, love it, so why is it sometimes different in real life? This brief article will help you understand this and prevent you from making a costly mistake when choosing the right paving colours for your project.
1) Computer Monitors Are Similar To TV Screens
How many times have you browsed an electrical store looking at the TV screens, and they all look different shades of colour? Now think, your PC monitor, your tablet, your phone, they are just the same. And no two screens are the same, some screens display more pixels than others which allows for improved colour display and some screens have different display settings. 
2) Surely It's The Photography That Effects The Brick Paving Colours?
Well, this can be true. Not everyone takes the care Chelmer Valley do to ensure the images are as true to life as possible, but then if a screen is not true to life, this is always going to be impossible to appear correct every time. So if it’s our paving, a T-shirt, a carpet, a car, or anything, try to actually see the items wherever possible.
An Example Of The Same Colour Pavers With Different Imagery.
Below is our Yorkshire Pavers with slightly different tones and shades due to lighting, season and weather conditions.
3) And Remember The Weather, The Time Of Day And The Time Of Year.
- Is it winter? ( In winter sunny days give a yellow light, cloudy it’s blue ). If the pictures are in summer, and you are in winter, it’s going to look different. Same if the images are winter, and the images are summer.
- Has it rained? Again, for pictures or in your location, on any given day. Moisture changes how things look.
View The Pavers In Real Life Wherever Possible
We always recommend seeing any of our products when colour is a priority. At Chelmer Valley, we recommend our clients either come into our showroom to see our pavers or request a sample to get a clear indication of what the product will look like before purchasing. With clay paving, do remember that it is a natural product, it has individual charm and beauty, and as such there are slight differences in batches, as nature plays it’s part. But when you want paving to be the best, Chelmer Valley has the solutions you need.